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Saving Jaws

Four days before COVID shutdown the United States, I started a new job at an aquarium. Little did I know that I would only work at the aquarium for four days, since the pandemic shut a lot of businesses down, I then found myself with a lot more time on my hands, and not much to do. I decided to try to learn some more about fish so that when my job opened back up I would be ready to teach. One of the things I decided to do was watch Saving Jaws. It isn't one of the documentaries that will bombard you with facts. It is one of the documentaries that tells a story and makes you develop feelings for the characters. It follows a marine biologist named Ocean and her incredible interactions with sharks. It brings to light the dangers that the shark population faces, why we need sharks, and how sharks are beautiful. If you are scrolling through Hulu with nothing to watch I recommend trying Saving Jaws. Also if you have any great animal documentaries or other resources feel free to reach out and send them my way.


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